Gooseberry Hill Primary School
An Independent Public School
Student Requirements
Student Requirement Lists
The list of student requirements has been approved by the School Board. Staff have carefully selected items which they know to be of benefit to your children’s education and as such it would be appreciated if you could purchase the specific items and not alternative substitutes. For example, exercise books with dotted thirds assist children with their printing as opposed to books with just lines, or pencils for junior years should be formative to assist with the development of their printing and not thin pencils which suit older children.
The school has negotiated competitive prices for materials on the list but you are not obliged to use this supplier. However, if parents want to order through the school’s provider please follow the directions on the Student Requirements List.
Download the required list:
24 Ledger Road
Gooseberry Hill WA 6076
(08) 9257 4600
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